FYOOG orchestrates a layered harmony of art, people, and place. An ensemble of artists, architects, designers, and visionaries, our creative passion connects and inspires through the universal language of beauty and the power of community.


An idea is only as good as its execution. FYOOG is rooted in every part of the process, seamlessly creating, fabricating, and layering custom artwork into the physical space.


Custom physical sculptures.


Co-created sculptures crowd-sourced with our clients.


Pre-designed wall sculptures.

Integrated Services

We don't create art as something to look at. Our integrated services unify lighting, brand, materiality, technology, and of course, art, to create an immersive multi-sensory experience.

Lighting Design

Lighting's impact on art cannot be overstated. Among its many roles, the right lighting can set the tone of an installation and evoke an emotional response from the viewer. Lighting is considered from the beginning of the design process from both a creative and technical perspective.

Experiential Design

Our experiential design team is skilled in bringing brand stories to life in the physical space. This approach transforms art into a powerful and authentic brand touchpoint.

Digital Design

Digital design can augment, animate, and integrate digital elements into our artwork, transforming analog installations into technology-rich immersive experiences.


We minimize our environmental footprint by prioritizing low-maintenance, durable, and sustainable materials and methods. This includes choosing recycled, upcycled, or ethically sourced materials and employing energy-efficient lighting and technology.

Featured Projects

Austin, TX
Washington, DC
Global Co-Created Artwork
Be Anywhere. Together.
Be Anywhere. Together.
Future Neighbourhood at Toronto’s Interior Design Show