Hypnotic Field

Hypnotic Field is a large sculpture made from reclaimed Douglas fir timbers sourced from an old Heinz factory in Ohio. Inspired by memories of childhood road trips, the piece captures the mesmerizing, hypnotic experience of driving along crop-lined Midwest roadways.

Custom Sculpture
Chicago, IL

The momentary exposure of neat rows breaks the illusion of a single mass crop, disclosing the internal organization of agricultural cultivation. Each three-story glue-laminated beam is finished with a vegetable-based stain and includes hand-carved physical depressions influenced by visually colliding the beams with the adjacent Louise Nevelson sculpture Dawn Shadows.

The verticals are progressively rotated relative to the wall to heighten the sense of perspective at the pedestrian level and to simulate the experience of driving by fields.

©Steve Hall @ Hedrich Blessing Photographers

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